UFC Has Record 2017 2nd Quarter

Adam M. Goller, Vice President – Marketing, reported today that Unity Funding Company had the 2nd best quarter in company history. The 2017 2nd quarter saw a 23% increase in advances made versus the prior year period and a significant rise in average advance amount. Mr. Goller stated, “our growth is directly tied to our effort to keep the funding process simple. Our single low rate for all firms and all policy types caters to large and small funeral homes equally well.”

UFC’s performance is a continuation of the company’s success over recent years. The company’s immediate payment of funds, ability to execute the process correctly the first time every time and customer oriented processes position them to continue the record growth. UFC is always soliciting feedback as well as continuing to improve all our processes to give our funeral directors the best funding experience possible.

UFC, based in Cincinnati, Ohio will release funds associated with insurance assignments immediately upon verification of benefits, complete insurance paperwork for the customer and help funeral directors focus on the families they serve. If you are interested in learning more about UFC’s services, please call 855.414.8814.


Fast, Accurate, and Simple Assignment Funding